Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 55 - Pajamas and Pancakes

Bob Allen Ford and SAFEHOME teamed up to raise awareness of domestic violence in our community.  In a festive atmosphere surrounded by shiny new Fords, there was a live remote from Mix 93.3, a tuba playing what could be described as holiday tunes, and pancakes flipping everywhere.  I saw a woman standing a good 10 feet away from the cooktop catching pancakes on her paper plate.  Lots of pajamas were brought for the SAFEHOME holiday store and 3 of the luckiest people won a drawing for iPads. During most of the month of December, Bob Allen Ford will donate 15% of car sales to the Children's Program at SAFEHOME.

Chris Cakes pancakes

Live remoting

Pajamas for SAFEHOME

Pajama donors Cathy, Esther, me, and Rachel

KCTV5 at work

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