Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 51 - Every Little Bottom

The HUGGIES Every Little Bottom campaign is all about getting diapers to babies who need them, in the U.S. and Canada.  Ellen Pompeo, the actress who plays a surgical intern on Grey's Anatomy, is the ambassador and face of the program.  She, the mother of a baby daughter, couldn't fathom the fact that 1 out of 3 American families struggles to provide diapers for their babies. There are diaper drives for supplying diapers to diaper banks. There are diaper banks for collecting, storing and delivering diapers.  Diapers can be sent to a Feeding America Foodbank or, in Kansas City, to Harvesters, the Community Food Network.  HUGGIES has generously donated one diaper for every pack of specially-marked diapers purchased (check for expiration date of program.)

Lucy in a Huggies diaper
I may have bought a size too big

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog!!!! You are proof that you can change the world one day, one project, and one diaper at a time....
