Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 87 - Be The Match

I did it!  Today I inspired one person to join Be the Match Registry, a bone marrow registry.  She did it online and you can, too, either online or in person.  A few years ago I signed up myself.  My husband had gone with me, ready to sign up, too.  Embarrassingly, he found out that he was too old. . .let's just say that he was over the maximum age limit of 60.  If you meet the guidelines, they will send you a registration kit and info.  All you have to do is collect a swab of cheek cells and wait for the call that may never come.  If it does and you're a match for someone, you'll have the opportunity to save a life.  The actual cost is $100 for testing and tissue typing but, because people have paid it forward, there is no charge for registering - though donations are always welcome.

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