Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 175 - Birthday Wishes

Birthday parties for homeless children.  How beautiful is that?  In a homeless shelter, a kid's birthday could come and go without anyone celebrating with them or for them.  Because of lack of funds, some parents don't even tell their kids it's their birthday, sparing them the disappointment. In 2002, three women in Newton, MA, envisioned what was lacking and Birthday Wishes was born.  Over 165 shelters on the east coast are now giving birthday parties and creating memories for kids.  Cash donations and in-kind donations of gifts and supplies are given by countless individuals, scout troups, religious groups, volunteers and organizations.  Volunteers also set up and attend the parties.  I took my grandchildren, Zachary and Alexandra, to pick out gifts requested for 3-year-olds.  Thank you The Park School of Brookline, MA, for apprising me of this meaningful project.

Alex and Zach with gifts for Birthday Wishes

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